2010 Canadian Hunting & Fishing Reports
9 Remote Canadian Fly In Fishing Outposts & Drive In Fishing Cabins on Off Lake. Canadian fishing vacations for walleye, northern pike, muskie, lake trout, smallmouth bass, and crappie. Canadian wolf hunts in Ontario, Canada. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 9/19 - 9/22/2010
Group Name: Bernstrom
Guest Comments: Enjoyed the trip again. The cabin was great and everything worked good. We broke our record for number of lake trout caught. We caught 57 for the trip and most were 27 - 33". Most all the fish were caught jigging.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 9/11 - 9/19/2010
Group Name: Nelson
Guest Comments: It was great to be back. Enjoy the trip every year. Caught several muskies and walleyes. Fishing was a little slower than normal. We will be back again next year at the same time.
Lake: Grant Lake
Dates: 9/11 - 9/18/2010
Group Name: Willocks/Goebel
Guest Comments: Lots of smallies on top water, drop shot and wacky worm. Weather was decent, but a little windy. Great accommodations as usual.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 9/12 - 9/17/2010
Group Name: Graham
Guest Comments: Excellent experience and most enjoyable trip we have done. Caught northern, one trout, many smallmouth, no walleye. Facilities were very good. Caught 7# northern and 2.5 - 3# smallmouth.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 9/04 - 9/11/2010
Group Name: Johnson
Guest Comments: It was a great time and the hunting was very good. We both tagged out the same night. Easy recovery on both animals. Good set ups and comfortable stands. Food was plentiful and very good, think we gained a few pounds. Had a great time.
Ontario Bear Hunting Ontario Bear Hunting
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 9/4 - 9/11/2010
Group Name: Siler
Guest Comments: The weather was less than desirable. Wind blew everyday and made it very difficult fishing. The fishing was very slow. Caught some walleye, smallmouth, and pike. Lots of lake to try and figure out for our first time on the lake. Cabin was nice. Our next trip we will go back to the Grant Lake outpost.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 8/21 - 9/04/2010
Group Name: Monaghan
Guest Comments: We had a good time and enjoyed the hunt. We both seen bears and shot the same night. Fished a bit and caught a few. Cabin had everything we needed and was clean.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 8/28 - 9/2/2010
Group Name: Spurrier
Guest Comments: Enjoyed the cabin and it was equipped with everything we needed. First time on the lake. Caught smallmouth everywhere, and the walleye bite was very tough.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 8/21 - 8/28/2010
Group Name: Herring
Guest Comments: We had a great time and each got our bear. I harvested my bear on day 3 with my bow and John tagged on the first night. I brought a friend who had never hunted until now. It was a great first hunt for him. Enjoyed the hunt and facilities were very nice. May return again in the future.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 8/21 - 8/28/2010
Group Name: Mitchell
Guest Comments: Everything worked and in good condition at the cabin. Caught walleyes close to the cabin for meals. Trout cooperated too. Largest muskie was 55" CPR.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 8/16 - 8/21/2010
Group Name: Stalling
Guest Comments: Great trip! Very nice accommodation and facilities were excellent. Cabin location was perfect and beautiful. Good fishing - Walleye to 22", smallmouth bass to 18", and northern pike to 31". Lucas & Nicole were great.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 8/14 - 8/21/2010
Group Name: Alderson
Guest Comments: Had a great hunt. Hunted 3 days before getting my bear. Bears were coming after I left first 2 nights. Nice cabin, good food, and excellent hunt. Plan on returning again next year to hunt with my bow. My wife Sarah had a great time relaxing as well.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 8/14 - 8/21/2010
Group Name: Molitor
Guest Comments: Hunt was faster than expected. Shot a bear with my crossbow on the first night. The meals, cabin, and hunt were as advertised. Great opportunity to tag a bear.
Hunting Trip: Off Lake Bear Hunt
Dates: 8/14 - 8/21/2010
Group Name: Brado
Guest Comments: It was a blast. Seen multiple bears every night. Waited to shoot until the end. Had lots of opportunities, was holding out for a monster, but it didn't work out. Harvested a very nice bear with my bow. Fishing was more difficult than the hunting for us. Plan to return again soon. A good time was enjoyed by all.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 8/11 - 8/14/2010
Group Name: Wallace
Guest Comments: We pounded points, reefs, walls and shoreline for 4 small follows, one decent low 40's (but really wide) follow and only caught one low 30" muskie up in Shistose. I love the location, lake, and the outpost, but we need to be there when the fish aren't hiding. a few Walleyes up in the channel into Shistose for lunch one day. Caught on 29" walleye on a black bulldog. Interestingly, it was caught on the same point as the small muskie and the wide bodied follower we had seen the previous day. Must be a big fish spot!
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 8/6 - 8/11/2010
Group Name: Kobielush
Guest Comments: The cabin was awesome and we had a great trip. Fishing was very slow. The lack of wind really hurt. The heat was great but that is only half the story. Anyway, we did boat a nice 46 and a few smaller muskies. We ended up with a few northern and walleyes but overall it was slow. The cabin is terrific and we appreciate your effort in making our trip special each year.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 8/2 - 8/6/2010
Group Name: Buckingham
Guest Comments: Great bass fishing. Caught bass all day and everywhere, from small to average length 12-14". Largest bass over 20". Several large northern 22 - 35". Cabin was great, very large nice grill. Walleye were tough but caught pan size - 21".
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 8/2 - 8/6/2010
Group Name: Bendel
Guest Comments: We had real good smallmouth, pike, and walleye fishing. Caught a couple nice muskies. Didn't catch any lake trout. Everything at the cabin worked good and in good shape.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 7/18 - 8/1/2010
Group Name: Lambert/Strock
Guest Comments: Cabin and boat were great as always. Best cabin and location on the whole lake. Hand landed a 42" muskie caught on light tackle and a grub. Caught lots of walleye and ate well. We will be back again next year.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 7/24 - 7/30/2010
Group Name: Wiebenga
Guest Comments: Perfect trip. Well equipped cabin and grounds. Only objection - too many oversized fish. Great smallmouth fishing!
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 7/17 - 7/24/2010
Group Name: Foerch
Guest Comments: This was our 10th Fly-In trip, and our best. The flights were smooth and on time. The fishing was great, largest walleye 23.5", 21" smallmouth, and 36" pike. The cabin was clean and comfortable and the boats ran well. Most of all, the hospitality of Nicole and Lucas (and the pilots) was the best. It was a great trip and we'll be back next year.
Brad Foerch
Lake: Dogfly Lake
Dates: 7/8 - 7/15/2010
Group Name: Ferris
Guest Comments: You and Nicole did an excellent job taking care of us, and we really appreciate those efforts. Everything worked flawlessly and we couldn't have asked for better hosts.
Overall, I would say the fishing was fair. We caught a lot of small bass, but had trouble finding many in the 15" plus range. Our biggest bass for the trip was a 17" fish. We really didn't put much effort into finding Northerns, but those we did catch while fishing for bass were decent size. No monsters, but the biggest was around 36". We spent quite a bit of time fishing for lake trout with only fair results. I think we caught a total of 7 or 8, and the largest of those were an 8 1/2 and a 9 lb.
I have attached a few photos in case you are interested - I have included one of the smallest fish I have caught in a long time - nice rock bass, eh?
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 7/7 - 7/13/2010
Group Name: King / Christianson
Guest Comments: Much better trip this year than last. Great weather and service as always. Walleyes were biting - 2 @ 27.5", great quality fish. 3 muskies to 40". We will be back.
Lake: Grant Lake
Dates: 7/8 - 7/12/2010
Group Name: Stoller
Guest Comments: Everything at the cabin worked good. Really liked the generator. Caught lots of bass, largest being 18" Had a big northern on and lost it. Had lots of wind and a good rain storm. Hope to be back next year.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 7/6 - 7/10/2010
Group Name: Mattson
Guest Comments: Great weather for the trip. Cabin was fully stocked. Fishing was steady all day. Great in the evening. Walleyes averaged 19-20" with 22" being the biggest. Biggest pike 37".
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 6/19 - 6/26/2010
Group Name: Cook
Guest Comments: Good weather, caught lots of bass - average 2 lbs, but lots of 3-4 lbs, 15 3/4 - 17 3/4". Walleyes were scattered and most were 14 - 20", the biggest was 23 1/2". Also caught 3 - 40" pike. All motors worked great. Facilities were good. We all had a very good week of fishing.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 6/21 - 6/25/2010
Group Name: Olsen
Guest Comments: Cabin and boat were perfect, very nice set up. Really liked the lake. The fishing was tougher, but it was our first time on the lake. Found most of the fish in Thompson Bay. Rest of lake was very tough. Most all bass were tight to cover. Largest bass 16" - average was around 12". Had a great time.
Lake: Grant Lake
Dates: 6/20 - 6/25/2010
Group Name: Bitsko
Guest Comments: 40 smallmouth bass per person each day - largest bass 19.5"
5-6 pike per day - largest pike 32"
Cabin was great as usual. Weather was awesome. Lucas & Nicole did a great job.
Lake: Grant Lake
Dates: 6/16 - 6/20/2010
Group Name: Scearce
Guest Comments: Great trip as always, 2 muskie 35", lots of northern 30-36", 3 bass - 19", 18 1/2", 15", numerous smaller ones. No trout, a surprise! Weather wet/numerous fronts, kept fishing slow - If you can consider these numbers slow!!! Grant never fails to deliver a great trip!! Napanee - Fantastic, worth the portage!!!!
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 6/16 - 6/20/2010
Group Name: Villwock
Guest Comments: Fishing was tougher than last year. The weather was very windy and kept us off the water for 1 1/2 days. Cabin and boat were perfect.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 6/14 - 6/19/2010
Group Name: Schneider
Guest Comments:
Thanks Lucas and Nicole for a great time! One of the finest Outfitters in 40 years of Canada fishing for our most experienced fisherman. Sakwite was a great lake and even though the fishing was slow we caught plenty of Smallmouth and Walleyes.
Comments from the fellas, refrigeration was a problem, mattresses were bad, kitchen was great as far as I was concerned and since I cook that's all that matters!
I think Dan told you about the problem with the loose motors. You might want to fix the latch on the gazebo door before the wind rips it off.
Over all I thought it was a great trip. The location, the easy drive, promptness of the pilot, and your hospitality was greatly appreciated.
Thanks again and I'll stay in contact.
Lake: Dogfly Lake
Dates: 6/12 - 6/18/2010
Group Name: Bovine
Guest Comments:
Accommodations - Terrific!!
Fishing -
Largest Pike - 11.25lbs, 8 lbs+
Largest Bass - 18+"
Largest Lake Trout - 30"
Lots of 10-14" Bass - hundreds
Bass - 750+
Pike - 600+
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 6/12 - 6/16/2010
Group Name: Stephens
Guest Comments: Attached is a photo of Maureen's 25" walleye caught at the mouth of the channel formed by two long, narrow islands about a mile NE of the cabin. We did see some muskies in the area. Note the tooth marks on the side of Maureen's fish, something BIG tried to make lunch out of him recently. The walleye was released.
The walleye seemed to turn on around 7 PM and did not stop until about ten in the evening. Leeches on bobbers worked but jigs and leeches produced more fish and larger fish. The smallie fishing was tough and anything but leaches was a waste of time.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 6/9 - 6/14/2010
Group Name: Videen
Guest Comments: Had problem with fuel lines and could use a few new mattresses. Other than that the cabin was very nice, great cooking supplies(pans, etc.)
Fishing report:
1 - 45" northern
1 - 41" northern
walleyes average 20", largest walleye 25"
lots of 15" smallmouth bass
Had other big northerns take walleyes we were catching.
Lake: Dogfly Lake
Dates: 6/5 - 6/12/2010
Group Name: Springer/Berryman
Guest Comments: Great accommodations. Bass were mostly off the beds. Several pike in the 33-36" range. Weather was mostly good with one day of heavy rain. All and all a fine trip!! Just what we expect from Lucas & Nicole.
Lake: Off Lake
Dates: 6/7 - 6/11/2010
Group Name: Desterheft
Guest Comments: Very nice place and cabin. Caught walleye, northern, crappie, and perch. Very good fishing and already made plans on returning next year with more people.
Lake: Sakwite Lake
Dates: 6/4 - 6/9/2010
Group Name: Kline
Guest Comments: Fishing was terrific!!! lots of walleyes, smallmouth up to 18", and 40"+ pike.
Grill was great. Good improvements to cabin. Thanks for the new dishes.
Appreciated the satellite phone and the special run for the generator.
Generator was really a difference maker!! Thank you. Boats ran great/cabin was good. Already down for next year.
Lake: Grant Lake
Dates: 6/1 - 6/8/2010
Group Name: Cohlmeyer
Guest Comments: Weed beds just coming up. Pike scattered. Smallmouth on beds. Largest lake trout 26", pike 30-36", smallmouth 15-20". Saw baby moose twins. Lake is beautiful.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/29 - 6/4/2010
Group Name: Buddenhagen
Guest Comments: First time on lake and did well overall. Bass located in shallow water, some on beds. Found a few lake trout in about 45 feet of water. Caught a few musky. Saw a monster - 50" class off the point by the cabin. Wow! Walleye caught early in the week. Tapered off later on. Lots of little northern.
Biggest Bass - 18"
Trout - 26"
Northern - 36"
Musky - 30"
Walleye - 25"
Lake: Off Lake / Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/27 - 5/31/2010
Group Name: Gerold
Guest Comments: Went up for our annual Memorial Day trip and the fishing was better than ever. The first day we caught numbers of good size crappies on Off Lake, along with a few nice pike. The second and third day we fished Pipestone for trout and did very well. Caught fish trolling, jigging, and shore fishing. It was best early morning and late evening. The middle of the day was a little slow. The first evening we boated 6 trout in under an hour as a storm was moving in, between 26 and 32 inches. The last day was windy and rainy so we stayed on Off Lake and chased the walleyes. Jigs with Gulp minnows worked well. Limits were reached easily and we caught and released after that. Also caught plenty of pike and a couple crappies. Great fishing and great accommodations. Will be back next year.
Lake: Dogfly Lake
Dates: 5/25 - 5/29/2010
Group Name: Cusentino
Guest Comments: 2 guys - , me and my son, caught 181 fish on a 4 day trip. Approx 30 pike, largest 12#. 151 smallmouth, largest being 3.5#. Fish still tight on cover, not on reefs, still on spawn mode. Like the generator, hate the sat phone, had a good time. 4 days was perfect. See you next year.:
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/22 - 5/29/2010
Group Name: Richmond
Guest Comments: We caught allot of fish and they seem to run bigger than previous trips. Sylvia caught a 44" northern and on the very next cast... a 42" muskie. Caught lots of northern, bass, trout, and a couple accidental muskies. Probably our last trip, been coming up since 68'. Boats ran excellent.
Lake: Dogfly Lake
Dates: 5/20 - 5/25/2010
Group Name: Schinbeckler
Guest Comments: Great year. Good numbers but smaller than normal. Slow lake trout. Cabin and service great!
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/17 - 5/22/2010
Group Name: Benson
Guest Comments: We had another good trip. Caught lake trout in 30-40 fow, they averaged just over 7# this year. Walleye fishing was good too. Caught 5 over 5# one day.
Lake: Off Lake
Dates: 5/14 - 5/17/2010
Group Name: Mankowski
Guest Comments: Cabin was great. Very pleased we could get the same cabin as last year. The weather was perfect. Caught walleye, crappie, allot smallmouth, and pike. A good time had by all.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/14 - 5/17/2010
Group Name: Hoftiezer
Guest Comments: Trout fishing was slow. They were scattered from shallow to deep. Had some good fish fries. Caught lake trout, walleye, smallmouth bass, northern, and even an accidental small muskie.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/8 - 5/11/2010
Group Name: Erickson
Guest Comments: The cabin was great once again. Everything was in good order and well stocked. The trout were in different locations with the early ice out and tougher to catch, but caught plenty and ate well. We will be back again next spring.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/5 - 5/8/2010
Group Name: Lundbohm
Guest Comments: The cabin was good. We had a problem with the BBQ not producing enough heat and the water pump had a loose connection, but it kept working after a minor adjustment. The trout fishing was tougher than other years, but still caught some nice lakers.
Lake: Pipestone Lake
Dates: 5/1 - 5/3/2010
Group Name: Le Blanc
Guest Comments: The cabin was excellent and had everything we needed. The water pump lost the prime, but we managed to get it working again. The trout fishing was slow for us.